Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium 'Safepork' on the epidemiology and control of foodborne diseases related to the consumption of pork meat and products has been organized by Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSV). Starting from the first Symposium held in Ames in 1996, the focus of the conference has become much wider, from Salmonella control programmes and pre-harvest research to a broader range of foodborne pathogens, as well as chemical contaminants and physical defects, within a farm-to-fork approach. The goal of the Symposium has been to bring together researchers in the fields of epidemiology, diagnostics, post-harvest control, public health, as well as risk assessment, management and communication, to present and discuss the most updated scientific matters and policy strategies.
ISBN:9788861290839 Collana: Scienze agrarie e veterinarie Autore: IZSV Edizione 2007 Stato: Disponibile
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