This book is a presentation of some developments in the cognitive sciences. For half a century, this domain has certainly been the most important and rich area of cognitive psychology, linguistics, communication theory, artificial intelligence and neuropsychology. As evidence of its importance, there are several hundred of scientific journals, and an enormous literature dedicated to this study.. This book has been written as a short and simple text for students in psychology, who follow a brief course with the same title. It summarizes the positions of some of the authors who have given birth to cognitive psychology and to the cognitive science, showing its development against the background of the dominating behaviorism. The material presented in this book is very selective, and the scientists presented have been chosen with respect and admiration from the author, who has had the fortune to know several of them well, and has become friend to some of these scholars. The students will find a rather personal presentation of the positions of these individuals. The material presented can easily become the basis for a more personal study of these topics by individual students .
Giovanni B. Flores d´Arcais is Professor of Psycholinguistics at the University of Padova. He has been for twenty years Professor at the University of Leiden and then Senjor Researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Psycholinguistics of Nijmegen. In the academic year 2008-2009 he gives two courses of /Psychology of Reading/ and of /Trends in Cognition/ at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Padova. He has published several books in Methodology of Research and Statistical Analysis, Theory of Measurement and Psycholinguistics, and a large number of articles and chapters in International and Italian books and journals. With the CLEUP he has published the books 'La psicolinguistica', 'Introduzione alla psicologia del linguaggio' and 'Introduzione alla Psicologia della lettura'.
ISBN:9788861293939 Collana: Scienze psicologiche Autore: Flores d´Arcais Giovanni Battista Edizione 2009 Stato: Disponibile
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