Dalla Prefazione di Maurizio Vichi 'The Italian Statistical Society (SIS) is glad to publish the second issue of the Book of short papers of PHD Thesis in Statistics and Applications. Students who discussed their theses in 2009 and 2010 have been invited to send an extended abstract, up to four pages, to present the main features of their research. The book includes 44 short papers of PhD theses in Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography corresponding to the disciplines of the statistical field (labelled in the Italian academic system as SECS/S01 - SECS/S/05). The SIS initiative has been greatly appreciated by the students for the opportunity it gives them to promote their theses at a national and/or international level by allowing SIS members and other researchers in the field of statistics to have a glimpse of the Italian research at doctoral level, definitely useful for bibliographic purposes as well. The appreciation of the students is so evident that, in this issue, an increase of collected papers of about 45% has been observed with respect to the first issue. On behalf of SIS I would like to thank the students for their successful research and for the time spent, in their already busy schedule, to contribute to this book. It is worthy to mention that these short papers have not been reviewed and that the responsibility for their content rests upon the authors, and not the Society.'
ISBN:9788861297081 Collana: Scienze statistiche Autore: Italian Statistics Society Edizione 2011 Stato: Disponibile
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