Piero Boscolo has investigated many aspects of writing as his scientific publications document. He has published studies about the production of narrative and expository texts, the written synthesis from multiple sources, writing as a learning tool, instructional strategies for teaching to write, readingwriting relationship, the multiple meanings of motivation to writing, and writing in elementary school. We have therefore chosen the topic of writing as a wide-ranging catalyst for this Festschrift in honour of Piero Boscolo. Many colleagues and friends have collaborated, writing on their research endeavors to honour a great mentor, a very respected Italian colleague, and a distinguished international colleague. The contributions to this Festschrift cover a wide range of themes and questions in current writing research. The chapters address rhetorical, psychological, and educational issues. The theoretical debate on the cognitioncontext issue in writing research is introduced in the chapter by Nancy Nelson. The relationship between emergent literacy and the written production of words and sentences is examined by Giuliana Pinto and Monica Camilloni. A closely related issue of the onset of syllabic and alphabetic writings in five-year-old children is introduced in the chapter by Clotilde Pontecorvo and Franca Rossi. Agreement errors in verb-noun homophones are discussed by Michel Fayol, who reports an experiment regarding the French language. Issues of comprehension and revision of texts are considered by Lucia Lumbelli, who examines the cognitive processes implied in understanding problematic anaphors. The writing of university students is the focus of two contributions. In one, Charles MacArthur and Zoi Philippakos report a research project design aimed at developing and evaluating a curriculum for basic writing PREFACE 7 classes in community colleges. In the other contribution Lerida Cisotto, Silvia Del Longo, and Nazzarena Novello present a study on various aspects of academic writing abilities in first-year prospective primary school teachers. Motivational aspects are addressed by Ralph Ferretti and Williams Lewis, who review and discuss educational practices that sustain motivation to write an important text genre, the argumentative. Another text genre, the narrative, is addressed in the chapter by Carmen Gelati, which discusses effective interventions to sustain students' narrative writing. The current state-of-the art in writing research in Europe is presented in the contribution of Denis Alamargot, which regards a 'Cost Action' organized into four Working Groups, each focusing on one key area of European writing research. This Festschrift also includes several shorter contributions related to some poster presentations during the Writing Day in honour of Piero Boscolo (20 April, 2012). These contributions present studies involving students at all educational levels from preschool to college, and also adults. The topics covered give a wide-ranging review of research areas that share writing as their core. Issues concerning the prediction and evaluation of orthographic skills in preschoolers and first graders are addressed by Lucia Bigozzi, who reports a longitudinal study in which the predictive powers of phonological competence, textual competence, and notational competence as components of emergent literacy are tested. Primary school students are involved in the study reported in the contribution by Emiddia Longobardi, Marialuisa Renna, and Pietro Spataro, which focuses on the relationship between narrative structure and the use of mental state terms in their written stories. The chapter by Anna M. Re, Daniela Lucangeli, and Cesare Cornoldi also regards primary school students but with ADHD symptoms. These authors investigate how expressive writing can be improved in these children through appropriate educational interventions aimed at facilitating their writing activity. Another population with special education needs is considered in the contribution by Elena Tomasuolo and Maria Roccaforte, who are interested in designing, producing and testing customizable e-learning environments for promoting written language skills in deaf students at high school and university. The close relationship between reading and writing within a knowledgebuilding community is discussed in two contributions, one by Stefano Cacciamani, who introduces a design-based research project to support the link between the two activities, the other by Idalisa Cingolani and Christine Hamel, who examine students' awareness of the importance of the two activities performed in their community. The effectiveness of an intelligent tutorial system to promote the skills of writing persuasive texts in high school students is the PREFACE 8 focus of the contribution by Sergio Di Sano, Katia La Caprara, Adriana Rosa, Roxanne Raine, and Danielle McNamara. Elena Boldrini and Alberto Cattaneo focus on collaborative writing in commercial employees apprentices (aged 14 to 18) as a tool for promoting reflective thinking on workplace practices. Academic writing skills in university students are investigated from two points of view. One is from the perspective of primary teachers' approaches to, and beliefs about, these skills, which is introduced in the contribution by Lerida Cisotto, Silvia Del Longo, and Nazzarena Novello. The other is from the perspective of the potential of the 'vicarious' effect in supporting academic writing skills in students involved in an e-learning course, which is discussed in the contribution by Beatrice Ligorio. Difficulties related to the production of a poster as a multimedia product that combines verbal and graphical information, are explored in the contribution by Gisella Paoletti, who refers to novice and expert writers. Expressive writing in female adults is examined in two contributions. In the first Paola di Blasio tests whether the expression of emotions connected with childbirth positively affects stress symptoms, since even for a normal childbirth, women may have such an emotionally intense experience that leads to posttraumatic stress symptoms. In the second contribution Vanda Zammuner examines whether 'diary writing' increases emotional literacy in young adults (80% women), who are solicited to be more aware of the causes, expressions, and consequences of their and others' emotions. A particular phenomenon related to the organization of written language, the Spatial Agency Bias, is addressed in the contribution by Caterina Suitner and Anne Maass, who report a cross-cultural comparison between Italian (left-toright writing culture) and Malagasy (right-to-left writing culture). In sum, a wide-ranging and diverse collection of scholarly works has been assembled in this volume to highlight the many perspectives, themes, and issues that characterize current writing research. Although many questions still remain open and deserve further investigation, there are also findings that document the advancement and impact of theoretical and empirical research about writing.
Preface Carmen Gelati, Barbara Arfé, and Lucia Mason
ISBN:9788861298262 Collana: Scienze psicologiche Autore: Gelati C., Arfè B., Mason L. a cura di Edizione 2012 Stato: Disponibile
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