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Cognitive Neuroscience of Executive Functions

Proceedings of the International Conference - 28-30 September 2017

  • Autore: Antonino Vallesi (a cura di)
  • ISBN: 9788867878147
  • Collana: Scienze psicologiche
  • Data Edizione: 2016
  • Numero pagine: 150
  • Stato: Disponibile
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These Proceedings gather the abstracts of talks and posters pre­sented at the Cognitive Neuroscience of Executive Functions 2017 Con­ference (CNEF_2017), organized under the auspices of the Depart­ment of Neuroscience, Department of General Psychology, Padua Neuroscience Center, School of Medicine at the University of Padova. The conference was mainly held at the University Hospital of Padova and the Padova Botanic Gardens on the 28th-30th of September 2017. Each abstract published in the present Proceedings had been assessed by anonymous expert reviewers and by some of the organizers.

The inspiring occasion for organizing the CNEF_2017 conference was the looming closure of an European Research Council Starting Grant Project: Life Experience Modulation of Executive Function Asymmetries; however, as soon as it was conceived, the event got big­ger and bigger and ended up involving about 200 participants from all over the world, all attracted by a common interest in the cognitive and neural underpinning of executive functioning.

In particular, the CNEF_2017 covered various aspects of execu­tive functions, including their anatomo-functional organization in the human brain, how they are impaired by brain lesions and boosted through stimulation, training and experience.

The conference featured a full set of scientific events (see the Sci­entific Program in Part 1), such as a Round Table and 4 Symposia with renowned international speakers (Part 2), 7 brief talks from the LEX-MEA project (Part 3), and 2 Poster Sessions (Parts 4 & 5).

We thank all the authors who submitted an abstract to be included in these Proceedings and all the participants to the conference, who con­tributed to make this a highly valuable and enjoyable scientific event.

Index Preface

CNEF 2017

Collana: Scienze psicologiche
Curatore: Antonino Vallesi
Edizione: 2017
Stato: Disponibile


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