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From the body to the concept (and their backgrounds)

Handbook for a body in movement approach inside the philosophy for children curriculum

  • Autore: Scarpa Stefano, Alessandra Nart
  • ISBN: 9788861296527
  • Collana: Scienze dell'educazione
  • Data Edizione: 2011
  • Numero pagine: 104
  • Stato: Disponibile
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The present contribution is a reflection about the value of human corporeity and its faculties of movement inside the community of inquiry which characterised the curriculum of Philosophy for Children (P4C). The human person expresses itself through movements of its own felt-lived body. Each intentional expression of man is carried out in the fulfilment of voluntary movements, creative and filled with meaning for the subjectivity which gives them life. The movement is the only possibility that man has to consciously express its own inside world as even the verbal language, peculiar way of human communication, could be understood as a result of a series of voluntary and complex body movements, and particularly of the apparatus destined to phonation. The philosophical dialogue cannot be purely understood as a ‘spiritual’ activity because it is thanks to the dynamic interaction of its own bodies and the fulfilment of ‘rational’ movements that the content of conscience can be shared within the research community.

STEFANO SCARPA. PH.D. Lecturer of Adapted Developmental Physical Activity at the University of Padua. In the past three years, his research program has principally featured sport pedagogy, psychology of physical self-concept in adolescents with motor disability, philosophy of sport and philosophy for children.

ALESSANDRA NART. Lecturer of Physical Activity Teaching at the University of Padua. In the past three years, her research program has principally featured posture analysis, didactics of physical activity, psychology of body image, philosophy of sport and philosophy for children.

Collana: Scienze dell'educazione
Autore: Stefano Scarpa, Alessandra Nart
Edizione 2011
Stato: Disponibile


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