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From Science-Fiction to Science

The role of fantasy in the development of science

  • Autore: Anna Curir, Fernando De Felice
  • ISBN: 9788867874798
  • Collana: Scienze psicologiche
  • Data Edizione: 2015
  • Numero pagine: 112
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It could be that fantasy leads the human mind to pursue scientific aims which were considered just hypothetical until not too long ago. Indeed, Science and Technology had recently a fast development assuring new perspectives to reality, finding new physical laws, unveiling the complexity of the physical world. The role of fantasy in the process of knowledge is now under investigation by psychologists, philosophers and scientists. This matter is thoroughly studied in this book.

Anna Curir is Astronomer at the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino Italy and member of the Ordine degli Psicologi del Piemonte. She is member of the Linacre College at Oxford UK, of the International Astronomical Union, of the International Society of General Relativity and Gravitation. She published several books of which we mention Les processus psychologiques de la recherche scientifique, Harmattan editeur (2014).
Fernando De Felice is Full Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Padova, Italy. He is member of the Wolfson College at the University of Cambridge UK, of the International Society of General Relativity and Gravitation, of the International Astronomical Union. He was awarded the Volterra Medal of the Accademia dei Lincei of Italy.

Content Preface

Collana: Scienze psicologiche
Autori: Anna Curir, Fernando De Felice
Edizione 2015
Stato: Disponibile


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