On January 8th, 1945 Luigi Massignan began his dreadful experience as a prisoner in the extermination Nazi camp of Mauthausen. This book, dedicated to his grandchildren, and by extension to all of the younger generations, is meant to warn us that what happened in Germany could happen again. The book is rich in human and moral relevance, capable of moving our emotions and making us better spiritually with its lessons. It can be summed up like this: the moral compass in each one of us must reflect the values universally accepted by people around the world, or disaster can strike.
Luigi Massignan (also known as Gino) is an Italian psychiatrist, born in Montecchio Maggiore-Vicenza, Italy, on October 2nd, 1919.
During the Italian Fascist Regime, while he was a student of Medical School at the University of Padua, he was politically active with the Catholic Association of Youth. Soon enough, he enthusiastically joined and participated as a Partisan to the Resistance Movement that opposed to and fought against the Fascist Regime. In 1944, because of his political activity, Gino was arrested along with a group on partisans from Vicenza. From Vicenza’s jail of San Biagio, they were first transferred to Bolzano’s concentration camp, then to the infamous extermination camp of Mauthausen. Of the group of prisoners from Vicenza, only two survived.
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