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Best Phd Thesis In Statistics And Applications. Demography. Statistics. Applied Statistics

Best Phd Thesis In Statistics And Applications. Demography. Statistics. Applied Statistics
Disabilità, povertà e strutture familiari nelle fasi avanzate del ciclo di vita

Disabilità, povertà e strutture familiari nelle fasi avanzate del ciclo di vita

€ 12,00

Dalla Prefazione di Maurizio Vichi: 'The Italian Statistical Society is proud to announce a new series of books that aims to disseminate the studies produced by young researchers in the fields of Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography. Since 1990 the Italian Statistical Society has promoted a prize for the best PhD Theses in Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography, but it is the first time that the Society has decided to publish the winning theses in a series in order to make the new developments in Statistics and its applications widely available. Each year includes three volumes of the best PhD theses in Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography defended in the period 01/06/2009 – 31/12/2010 by young Italian scholars either in Italy or abroad. The winners Ilaria Arigoni, Francesco Claudio Stingo and Francesca Torti, have been asked to present their theses during a dedicated session at the SIS2011 Statistical Conference of the Italian Statistical Society which is going to be held in Bologna next 8-10 June 2011 and they will receive their award during the General Assembly of the Meeting. This series is part of a wider strategy of the Society to promote the Italian doctoral training in statistics and its applications among national and international scholars. In 2011 a new Commission working on matters related to the endorsement of Italian PhD programs in statistics and its applications has been established. This Commission has gathered information on different PhD courses offered in Italy and collected the abstracts of the theses discussed in 2009-2010 in 'Book of short papers of PHD Theses in Statistics and Applications' published in 2011. Thanks go to the members of the Evaluation Committees that have provided their time and their knowledge in order to choose among a set of deserving studies the ones included in this series. Specifically I would like to thank Alessandra De Rose, Paolo Giudici and Guido Pellegrini as convenors of the committees and Marco Alfò, Annibale Biggeri, Michele La Rocca, Lucia Pasquini, Andrea Pastore and Cecilia Tomassini. For their invaluable work.' ISBN:9788861297173 Collana: Best Phd thesis in statistics and applications. Demography. Statistics. Applied statistics Autore: Arigoni Ilaria Edizione 2011 Stato: Disponibile  

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Bayesian Methods for Data Integration with Variable Selection news Challenges in the Analysis of Genomic Data

Bayesian Methods for Data Integration with Variable Selection news Challenges in the Analysis of Genomic Data

€ 10,00

Dalla Prefazione di Maurizio Vichi:'The Italian Statistical Society is proud to announce a new series of books that aims to disseminate the studies produced by young researchers in the fields of Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography. Since 1990 the Italian Statistical Society has promoted a prize for the best PhD Theses in Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography, but it is the first time that the Society has decided to publish the winning theses in a series in order to make the new developments in Statistics and its applications widely available. Each year includes three volumes of the best PhD theses in Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography defended in the period 01/06/2009 – 31/12/2010 by young Italian scholars either in Italy or abroad. The winners Ilaria Arigoni, Francesco Claudio Stingo and Francesca Torti, have been asked to present their theses during a dedicated session at the SIS2011 Statistical Conference of the Italian Statistical Society which is going to be held in Bologna next 8-10 June 2011 and they will receive their award during the General Assembly of the Meeting.This series is part of a wider strategy of the Society to promote the Italian doctoral training in statistics and its applications among national and international scholars. In 2011 a new Commission working on matters related to the endorsement of Italian PhD programs in statistics and its applications has been established. This Commission has gathered information on different PhD courses offered in Italy and collected the abstracts of the theses discussed in 2009-2010 in 'Book of short papers of PHD Theses in Statistics and Applications' published in 2011.Thanks go to the members of the Evaluation Committees that have provided their time and their knowledge in order to choose among a set of deserving studies the ones included in this series. Specifically I would like to thank Alessandra De Rose, Paolo Giudici and Guido Pellegrini as convenors of the committees and Marco Alfò, Annibale Biggeri, Michele La Rocca, Lucia Pasquini, Andrea Pastore and Cecilia Tomassini. For their invaluable work.' ISBN:9788861297180Collana: Best Phd thesis in statistics and applications. Demography. Statistics. Applied statisticsAutore: Stingo Francesco Claudio Edizione 2011Stato: Disponibile

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Advances in the forward search: methodologica and applied contributions

Advances in the forward search: methodologica and applied contributions

€ 12,00

Dalla Prefazione di Maurizio Vichi:'The Italian Statistical Society is proud to announce a new series of books that aims to disseminate the studies produced by young researchers in the fields of Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography. Since 1990 the Italian Statistical Society has promoted a prize for the best PhD Theses in Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography, but it is the first time that the Society has decided to publish the winning theses in a series in order to make the new developments in Statistics and its applications widely available. Each year includes three volumes of the best PhD theses in Statistics, Applied Statistics and Demography defended in the period 01/06/2009 – 31/12/2010 by young Italian scholars either in Italy or abroad. The winners Ilaria Arigoni, Francesco Claudio Stingo and Francesca Torti, have been asked to present their theses during a dedicated session at the SIS2011 Statistical Conference of the Italian Statistical Society which is going to be held in Bologna next 8-10 June 2011 and they will receive their award during the General Assembly of the Meeting.This series is part of a wider strategy of the Society to promote the Italian doctoral training in statistics and its applications among national and international scholars. In 2011 a new Commission working on matters related to the endorsement of Italian PhD programs in statistics and its applications has been established. This Commission has gathered information on different PhD courses offered in Italy and collected the abstracts of the theses discussed in 2009-2010 in 'Book of short papers of PHD Theses in Statistics and Applications' published in 2011.Thanks go to the members of the Evaluation Committees that have provided their time and their knowledge in order to choose among a set of deserving studies the ones included in this series. Specifically I would like to thank Alessandra De Rose, Paolo Giudici and Guido Pellegrini as convenors of the committees and Marco Alfò, Annibale Biggeri, Michele La Rocca, Lucia Pasquini, Andrea Pastore and Cecilia Tomassini. For their invaluable work.' ISBN:9788861297197Collana: Best Phd thesis in statistics and applications. Demography. Statistics. Applied statisticsAutore: Torti Francesca Edizione 2011Stato: Disponibile

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Dependent Completely Random Measures and Statistical Applications

Dependent Completely Random Measures and Statistical Applications

€ 12,00

Proponiamo e studiamo una nuova classe di vettori di prior non paramentriche definita seguendo un approccio che fa uso di misure completamente aleatorie (CRM). In particolare, definiamo una classe di vettori di CRM dipendenti partendo dalla costruzione di misure aleatorie di Poisson dipendenti proposta da Griffiths e Milne (1978). Opportune trasformazioni di questi vettori di CRM danno origine a priori non parametriche dipendenti. Nello specifico ci concentriamo su trasformazioni che generano vettori di misure aleatorie normalizzate, di processi neutrali a destra e di funzioni hazard rate aleatorie, dipendenti. Questi oggetti sono studiati nella loro generalità e alcuni esempi notevoli, come i processi di Dirichlet dipendenti e i processi gamma estesi dipendenti, vengono analizzati nel dettaglio. L'infinita divisibilità del vettore di CRM da cui parte la nostra costruzione è la proprietà chiave che ci permette di dimostrare alcune proprietà degli oggetti studiati. Questi risultati teorici da un lato permettono di comprendere meglio la struttura di dipendenza introdotta, dall'altro risultano strumenti preziosi ai fini dell'inferenza statistica in quanto indicano la via per la progettazione di algoritmi efficienti di tipo Markov Chain Monte Carlo. ISBN:9788861298897 Collana: Best Phd thesis in statistics and applications. Demography. Statistics. Applied statistics Autore: Bernardo Nipoti Edizione 2012 Stato: Disponibile

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